02 February 2007

Brego First Day Home

This morning we took Brego home with us. It was a one hour drive, that went very well. In the beginning of drive home he squeeked a little but after a short period awake he fell asleep inside the car.

When we got home Rob went on biking with Toby and Brego investigated the garden

and later on the living room.

He ate

He slept after he walked into the bench by himself. With him are some toys and a towel that we got with us from Maastricht.

The girl next door (Angela) came to visit

He played some more

And he fell asleep again, this time we closed the door of the bench.

And he ate and pee-ed again.
He didn't pee in the house yet, he did pee in the garden several times already, we keep our fingers crossed, and ofcourse our eyes on Brego so that we can put him outside just in time.