30 April 2007


Monday April 30th it is Queensday in the Netherlands. It is a holiday and because I had a course on saterday and sunday I enjoyed this extra day off very much. It was lovely weather again and we went to a lake nearby to let the dogs swim.
Here's a movie where they are still dry and Rob is searching a branch to throw in the water.

Here some picture of them swimming

And here a movie of the twe swimming. As you can see it is more walking tha swimming :-)

28 April 2007


Saturday April 28th I had a course for Dogtrainer. Toby went with me to train there. Brego and Rob stayed home. It was lovely weather, and Rob set up a swimming pool for Brego to walk in. Here some nice pictures of that.

26 April 2007


Toby and I are learning to do Agility. Here's a picture of a training made by Rob hiding in the bushes with Brego. But Toby did spot him already as you can see.

25 April 2007

Fun in the garden

Today Rob went to the Malpie with the dogs, here flows a small river named the Dommel. Both dogs walked into the river, and Brego did even swim. There were some people and children in canoes who laughed about the dogs in the water. When Toby walks into the river his hair keeps floating on top of the water and looks like a floorcloth.
Unfortunately Rob didn't take the camera with him so no pictures or movies of that. But later they did play together in the garden, and I did take the camera. So here are 2 small movies with the boys playing together.

23 April 2007

First holiday Brego

On Friday and Sunday I had a training for becoming a dog trainer. This was in the Dogcenter in Zaltbommel. Because the wheather forecast was very good for the weekend, Rob drove the camper to a campingsite near where I was training and had a relaxing weekend. On Friday I took Toby with me and the trainers where very pleased to see him. They where very impressed by his selfconfidence and his lack of aggression, very easy going, a true leader he was called. On Sunday I took Brego with me and again they where pleased to see a selfconfidence puppy without any sign of aggression. I received a lot of compliments on both my great dogs. I also received a lot of compliments about the fur-colour of Brego and his lovely eyes.

Anyhow, It was also the first time that Brego traveled in the Camper. This went very good. Also in the night he slept inside the camper and all went very well. Test succeeded, onto the next trip.

Together in the Maas (river)

In front of the camper:

Sleeping in the shade together:

Posing together

Brego climbs in the chair:

17 April 2007

Visit to the park

Almost every evening we go to the park in the street behind us. But we hardly ever take our camera with us. Sunday and today we did, and were able to shoot some pictures of our two boys and their beardie friend Floyd, who lives directly at the park. Floyd is a brown beardie, but at the moment he is very light, he is almost 1 year old that's the reason why. Brego is even darker in color, but that won't last very long we suspect.

On this next picture Brego and Floyd are playing together. If you look very good, you can see Brego's brand new adult teeth in his upperjaw.

Here is a closeup of his teeth

Here's a movie that I made today. I got dizzy by going round and round to keep up with the two of the running in circles. At the end you see Toby as well, greeting Rocky a Cairn terrier friend, and then all of them together.

15 April 2007

Swimming on a hot spring day

Yesterday it was a very hot spring day. It actually became about 28 degrees Celcius, as in this time of year 12 degrees is normal. Early in the afternoon we went to a lake nearby to let the dogs enjoy the water so that they could resist the hot weather somewhat better. Toby always goes in directly but preferably wants to keep solid ground contact, in the least with his back legs. He knows how to swim, but doesn't do it that often. Well thats his choice.
But we always throw sticks into the water so that he is challenged to actually swim. Yesterday we did this as well and he stopped on the point where he lost contact with solid ground and to our surprise Brego fetched the stick by swimming towards it and returning it. When Brego came within reach of Toby, Toby took the stick from him and retrieved it to us.
Too bad, we didn't bring a camera with us.
Because the dogs came through the hot weather very good yesterday, we repeated the swimming in the lake thing today, and this time we took our camera with us. So here is a small movie of Brego swimming and fetching the stick.

And here's a picture of Toby taking the stick from Brego.

10 April 2007

Enjoying the nice Easter weather

Here are some pictures of the boys enjoying the nice weather in our garden.

We even managed to take some pictures of Toby and Brego sitting side-by-side.

Biking on Easter sunday

On easter sunday we went on biking for the first times with our new bikes. We almost forgot to take pictures. But on the way home we shot some pictures.
Here I am posing with the boys.

And here are our new bike with both the doggyrides behind them.

And here Brego is climbing back into his doggyride.

06 April 2007

Funtime in the sunny weather

Today was a very sunny springday. The two boys were playing in the garden.
Here a small funny movie.

Afterwards Brego was relaxing in front of the rabbit cage. You can see Pepper our brownish rabbit in the cage , her fur color changes a lot throughout the year, from dark brown almost black in winter to ginger-spotted light brown in summer.