04 May 2008


On Sunday we drove to Scone. We had only booked one night here on our way up north.

The camping site was on the grounds of Scone palace that we didn't go to see, shame on us. But we have visited it already on our visit to Scotland 10 years ago. Dogs aren't allowed inside anyhow.
So we just walked beside the horse racing track neighbouring the camping site to walk towards the river Tay.

Rob spotted a salmon jumping upstream, we waited for more to show up and perhaps take a picture of that but we didn't see any fish jumping anymore so you have to believe his word for it.
Toby couldn't resist the water. Because of the wild flow we kept them on the leash. On the other side of the river a dog was in the river and wanted to swim our way. His boss needed to convince him not to do this and he stayed on the other side.