07 June 2008

The doggies own Bath

We bought a Booster Bath to wash the dogs in. Before they where washed in our bath tub but because that bath is low you have to sit on your knees or else your back gets killed. It takes a respectable amount of time to wash them so if I had to wash both dogs it happened that I had a sore back for a couple of days.
So when I washed them before going on holiday to Scotland I decided that the time was ripe for a Booster Bath.
I ordered it via the Internet at a company in Belgium, because I couldn't find one in the Netherlands. This week it was delivered.

I put it together and I let the dogs in. Because they didn't know that it was a bath, both entered the bath voluntary. Probably when they have been washed in it their enthusiasm to enter it will be somewhat less.

Yesterday I washed Toby, and today I washed Brego.

I must confess that it is has proven to be a good investment. I'm very happy with the bath.


Petra said...

Hey wat goed, ik heb er ook al een paar keer naar gekeken. Hij leek mij wat klein, maar gaat prima met Beardies zo te zien.
Heb je hem gewoon in NL kunnen bestellen trouwens?

Toby & Brego said...

Ik heb hem in Belgie besteld. In Nederland zit geen importeur, althans volgens de officiele Booster Bath site.